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The beauty of Brazil`s Atlantic Rainforest finds no match in other biodiversity hotspots…

We`ll help you find a lot of its numerous endemic species, while enjoying breathtaking waterfalls – including the most beautiful in the world: the Iguazu Falls! -, paradisiacal beaches, mountains covered with luxurious forest, overlooking the Ocean… Mesmerizing!

 (By the way, most of the movies, not documentaries, allegedly made in the Amazon Rainforest were, actually, shot in the Atlantic Rainforest…)

Despite the sad fact that the Atlantic Forest of South America is among the world’s most threatened biodiversity hotspots, the 8 percent that is left of its original extent still accounts as one of the most biodiverse forests in the world and exhibits a high number of species that can be found nowhere else on Earth.

Home to around 20,000 species of plants, in a single hectare of forest in southern Bahia, researchers from the New York Botanical Garden counted 458 tree species! That`s a world record for woody plant diversity. The forest structure of the Atlantic Forest contains multiple canopies that support an extremely rich vegetation mix. This includes an astonishing diversity of ferns, mosses and epiphytes (“air plants” or plants that attach to other plants), including lianas, orchids and bromeliads.

The Atlantic Forest harbors around 2,200 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians – 5% of the vertebrates on Earth. This includes nearly 200 bird species found nowhere else, and 60% of all of Brazil’s threatened animal species call this forest home.


Brazil as a whole is the world’s leader in primate diversity, with 77 species and subspecies identified to date. Of these, 26 are found in the Atlantic forest, of which 21 are found nowhere else in the world.


Some of the Atlantic Forest’s most charismatic species include the golden lion tamarin, wooly spider monkey, red-tailed parrot, and maned three-toed sloth.


New species of flora and fauna continue to be discovered.

The Atlantic Forest still ranks as a global conservation priority.

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